My herbal experiments

More to say!

I have many more experiments

I have started my willow bark tincture with alchohol for pain and tension

I plan to get witch hazel bark and either steam distill or make a tincture with alchohol. This will be a wonderful(and powerful) disinfectant, antibacterial and anti inflammatory, and it’s main use will be for spot treating acne. This is much more powerful than the store bought witch hazel toners, etc. I will likely dilute it.

I have a feverfew tincture, which is a fuzzy leaf that helps with headaches and migraines.

I will make a yarrow flower salve for pain, but due to time I’ll have to mull over this more… as I’m leaving for home in just under 4 weeks.

I’m making a nettle seed tincture, which is an adaptogen- used for energy, libido, and healing a feeling of burnt out.

I also put my wild carrot seeds in alchohol which will be good for digestion, stimulating the intestinal track gently, and stimulating the thyroid

Most excitingly- although this whole week was an exciting foraging week- I found valerian root, which is exceptional for sleep and insomnia, and I found St Johns Wort, which I will make a tincture of for regulating dopamine, serotonin, and melatonin. It does have an issue of increasing skin sensitivity.

Those are my updates!

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Felicia Bellows
Felicia Bellows
3 years ago

A lot going on!!

3 years ago

Oh Oliver mou, this is absolutely beautiful. Enchanting. Magical. Perhaps you can consider adding a photo or two of your expanding apothecary. ❤️

Keven bellows
Keven bellows
3 years ago

I’m thinking about you conversation with me niece Abby Tobin at our house. I’m sure she would love to hear from you about all your experiments. Do you have her email?

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