Humane animal handling workshop 6 Comments / Blog / By Oliver Mexas / October 4, 2021 🔎 blogSee "blog" in a gallery 🎨Read the whole "blog" 📖See "blog" in a carousel 🎠👁️🎨 CategoriesBlog (49) Collage (5) Dollhouse (81) Flowers (11) Nature (23) Painting (90) Poetry (21) Sculpture (41) World (3) All (296)🎦 AlbumsPelekastestAll albumsμ🗯️Statistics and duplicatesDescription⟵⟶ Just ate!  
Did you get close to them? Remember how you were the bravest of the 3 of you boys when we hiked and saw the cows?!
How could I forget… and- they let us pet them!!
Love the cows. Such soft and shines coats. You can tell they are happy.
Ohhh yeah
These are all so amazing and your writings are completely, unequivocally beautiful!!!