Herbal medicine updates

Geranium, yarrow, mullein, and mugwort

I have lots of herbal medicine updates!

For one, I am creating an oil extraction of geranium leaf, yarrow flower, mugwort leaves and flowers, and mullein leaf. This will help with the flowing of stagnant blood, sore muscles and joints, and muscle pain.

Second of all, there is my goldenrod oil extraction for sore and achy joints/muscles. It is the most deep and earthy of scents, and a golden yellow color. So lovely.

Thirdly, I am making an alcohol tincture of mullein root. This will be amazing for muscle and body pain.

For my hair tincture, which is almost done, I am looking to add some herbs that are good for hair and skin yet also smell good, for this oil smells quite… olive-y? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

I have at least 500 barberries(which took a lot of time but doesn’t show up as much, as they are quite small). I’m drying them and will use them for digestive issues and as a mood tonic.

I have a sleep tonic brewing- hops and mugwort in alchohol. It’ll help to relax the body before sleep and enhance my experience and recollection of dreams.

I have several ideas on the way; I’m looking for wild yam, which is not native to Maine yet may be found here. I’m looking for a forest of willows to process bark from for a pain relief tincture.

I’m also looking to make a natural lubricant from wild kiwi vine(which secretes a gum that is a wonderful base for this). Wild kiwi is quite invasive here so it’ll help the land out too to cut back the vine. In this lubricant I’ll add red clover, nettle, motherwort, dandelion leaves, and black cohosh if I can find it. Although I may make a seperate oil for the latter, and keep the kiwi vine extract alone.

And, if I get my hands on black cohosh, I’ll get the rhizomes-roots- too, and use this for sleep and mood.

Queen Anne’s lace, or wild carrot, will help me with digestive complaints and in calming and reducing tension in smooth muscle tissue. It also can be used as a yummy spice!


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